Hello Moya

Welcome Back To Moya Anne

Happy to have you back on this amazing Blog. I have been away for a while working behind the scene, resting, aligning myself to my new environment and, now it’s time to get back to it again. As promised, here is the relaunch: Moya Anne is back and ready for the last three months of the rest of year. How excited are you?

There have been a lot of changes since the last post. I then thought of writing few updates on the new version of this blog.

Before getting into the new blog updates, I’d like to welcome the new readers. I am glad you’ve found your way to this blog. I hope you will love it here and will stay forever so we can be friends.

This blog is safe for everyone, and you will therefore not leave it that soon.

Blog Updates

01. The blog is one year older. Moya Anne got one on the 12th of August 2021.

02. We have a brand new design template made by Studio Collipy.

03. The old content has been removed from the internet. I wanted to start all over again. I apologize for your missing referrals and favorites.

04. We recently relocated (the blogger did, so the blog) to the United States. Read this blog post for more info.

05. There will be more lifestyle and travel-related content.

06. I will also focus on sharing video content.

07. Guest posts are now accepted. You can submit your information and stand a chance to be published.

08. I will soon launch a weekly newsletter. Join the Tribe if you haven’t yet and, let’s the fun begins.

09. I will be curating some “blogging hacks” sessions on here to help other bloggers find their ways.

10. You can now purchase all your presets from the blog shop.

Hello Friend, it’s so good to have you back here.

I know I missed a lot of things so I am looking forward to hearing your gist(s) in the comments below.


  1. Welcome back again Anne!! Happy to see everything back on track! Looking forward to reading your upcoming blog posts.

    Kudos to you giiiirl🥰♥️!

  2. Yesssssssss congratulations sis, I’m so happy, I missed you 🥺 welcome back 🤗❤️

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