Hello Moya

Moving To America And Starting All Over

As far as I remember, moving to The United States of America was in my “almost” everyday prayers. I remember writing it down on pieces of paper and in my journals, mentioning it in my every new year’s wishes.

You can say America for me was a big dream. Yes, it was, and still is.

Now imagine being announced that you’re going to a place you’ve been dreaming of. You feel that joy? Well that’s the exact same joy I felt at the beginning when I first got the news.

I was happy, very happy after all that’s what I wanted. But for some reason, I started feeling sad as the travel date approaches. I was scared and anxious about starting all over again and I somehow let that fear steal my joy.

It’s been four (4) months since I moved to Dallas and I finally decided to share it with you.

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Moving to America - Moya Anne

Getting Ready

Planning my trip to the USA hasn’t been an easy task. In fact, getting ready to travel such a long distance as an international student is never as same as packing for a holiday. It involves so many things and talk less about the stress.

We (my mom especially) spent time packing things I didn’t want to carry with me. She would be adding and adding items to the suitcases without my opinion. I guess that was her way to say goodbye. The funny thing is that she never acted as such anytime I would leave to Ghana, but I guess it’s not the same since Ghana is the neighbor door and America is 15.000+ miles away.

It took approximately two (2) months to get everything ready. Finding the school and getting the documents haven’t been a big deal. We trusted KissDKiss Consulting and they didn’t disappoint.

By the way, if you’re a West African planning to study in the USA, reach out to them regardless your country. They helped hundreds of people each year get their student visas.

But personally, those eight (8) weeks weren’t enough (Mentally talking). I spent half of it crying, stressing, and overthinking. Me that has been dreaming to move to America, was feeling a bit sad.

To put it well, I wasn’t “excited” as I would be years ago. I am not saying I wasn’t happy to travel to America, what I mean is that the excitement wasn’t on top of its best and the reason was the idea of re-starting, a new social life, another Bachelor Degree and everything in between. This got me scared.

On re-starting my Bachelor

As I could unfortunately not transfer my transcripts from Ghana to the USA (different curriculum), the only option was to start all over again as a freshman. I was devastated when I learned about that because Yo, starting from point 0 again while I was closer to my graduation? Ouch.

The painful part is that I was going to start my third year in University this past September, be a senior (Level 400) next year, and hopefully, graduate by 2023 but I guess great opportunities don’t always come twice in a row.

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I convinced and calmed myself with the “You Are Lucky To Have Such Great Opportunity” card and now I cannot wait to start school here next month and see the result of their educational system.

Life in America is different

I have a very long list when it comes to culture shock but I’m afraid you will not finish reading this post today so here are my top five (5).
Note: These are things I’ve noticed in Dallas. They might be different in other cities/states.

Traveling to America as an international student

01. The first I recorded was the circulation. Will you trust me if I say I never heard a car honk since I arrived? I know you wouldn’t.

02. Students Are Royalty. Imagine my reaction when I learned I could earn free meals on campus, ride the bus and train in Dallas county for free and get discounts in almost every store with my student’s ID? Mamamiaaaa yes!!!

03. Their pets, their buddies. They will share flyers to the neighborhood with info about their pets that run away from the house and ask you to call them anytime you see it. I mean, who got time for this?

04. People here don’t care about what you wear to the mall, what you do for a living, or who you are. They won’t even bother staring at the ugly shoes you wore to class.

05. Compared to the homeland, having a car here is more of a necessity than a privilege.

Great words for the future

I am trying to forget my young 21 age and all the dreamy notes I wrote when I was 16 saying I’d be graduated, be working, own a car and a house by 25.

I am trying not to become hypocritical (I’ve prayed to be here and here I am – regardless of the time) and try not to complain about life and what I’m missing at this moment. I’m open to new opportunities and I know there’s hope.

What I am most excited about is to now get my little life organized and get more free time to sightseeing around, meet new people, taste and eat great food and collect all the good memories.

So we’re starting again from point 0 right? Okayyyy!

Here is to my great friends I haven’t said Goodbye to, I am so sorry. Your girl here is trying not to cry when she thinks of you <3.

Hey friends, I hope you enjoyed this post. What is one big change that happened to you recently?


  1. Whattt a comeback gurrl🎉.Joking aside, I am really enjoy that and you’re encouraging me as always💋. Thank you

  2. Hi Moya-Anne, I read and liked your story. I know it’s not easy to find yourself far from your family, your country and even your culture!
    I also know that life is a struggle in which only the persevering emerge victorious.
    I believe in your future and in your courage. Go ahead, hope, step forward with your head held high and on your shoulders, step forward and have your eyes fixed on God. Study, live, be wise and careful … you will see the result.

    Happy stays and may your testimony touch thousands of people.

  3. Hi Anne! I really enjoyed reading your blog post. What a comeback!!😀 Your experience just proves that you can only do what you set your mind to!! I’m proud of you, girl! You’ve come a long way and I wish all the best in your new adventure. See ya at the White House,Baby😀!

  4. “They won’t even bother staring at the ugly shoes you wore to class.” This I also noticed in China. Like no one cares😂😂

  5. Moya you are amazing, ‘Great things take time’ this is what gingers me to move forward and keep basking on. The emphasis is on the ‘time’, glide through it. create memories girl and lastly just live!! Rooting for you ❤️

  6. Heyyyy. I enjoyed reading this. Change can be hard but I guess the world has to go round. For me, I’ve been trying to change habits, it’s tough but I really need the change.
    Again, lovely post.

  7. Thanks for sharing this Ann! Couldn’t have been easy to leave home, but like you said it’s a new opportunity.
    Can’t wait to read more on the memories.


  9. It was really nice reading your post. I wish you all the best on this new journey and i can’t wait for you to share more…🤗😘

  10. Life sometimes doesn’t go as planned but might turn out better than we expected,you took the brave step of starting all over again just be rest assured that times flies and by the time you know, you’re already done. I enjoyed reading this Moya 🤗good luck with school 🥂

  11. Starting afresh is never easy but a few months down the road you’ll wonder why you made a fuzz about it. Wishing you all the best with this new adventure! 💙🦅

  12. Hi Moya, it’s my first time to visit you blog and i really like it. I recently moved to another country, on an island precisely. As you, i had the same prayer to move not necessary to that country but just to move. I really like to discover new places and fortunately i went in a none common country. I had to learn new languages (English and Turkish), live with someone that i truly didn’t know. But for almost 1 year now i can say that i don’t have any regret. I met so damn beautiful person all so different and I’m really happy here.

    1. Happy to hear from someone in the same situation. I guess the time will come for me to say such great words as you and be fully happy as well. I haven’t met people I can call friends yet (apart from those I met at my tutor’s house) but I’m looking forward to it.

      Happy Holidays on your little Island 🤍🕊

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