Hello Moya

About Me

Years of Experience

Everyone has an intro story, so here is my little one.

I am a full-time student and a self-taught web & graphic designer slowly taking my steps into the digital world.

When I am not thrifting or at home cooking delicious meals, I am on the street taking pictures of everything I see for my instagram stories.

Few more about me


3. Start a Bachelor of Science at UNT.
2. B.D Analyst intern in Abidjan.
1. Graduate from Dallas College.


2. Start my AS Degree in Dallas College.


3. Short study program at UNT.
2. Writer for Bnetic Media.
1. Move to Dallas, Texas.


3. Embark on social media.
2. Start web & graphic design.
1. COVID-19 hit the world.


2. Move to Ghana to pursue my BA. in Communication Studies.
1. Graduate from High school in Ivory Coast.