Hello Moya

Mobile Photography Tips You Ignore

You are always complaining about the quality of your pictures, and you feel you are not in your element anytime shooting or snapping comes into your mind!? 

You are at the right place to fix it!!!

There was a time I also faced those situations until I tried what I named “The 7’s”

Post cover

Relax, I won’t tell you to get a digital camera. You are holding a magic tool without knowing; yes your phone. Did you know phones are much enough to get perfect pictures !? 

No ? Then you should check this out because most of the pictures here have been taken with a simple phone. Though they look pro.

1. Get a good phone

Getting a good phone for you photographs doesn’t mean you absolutely need to get the iPhone 20 that is not yet out. Whatever types of phone you have: IOS, Android, Window etc… you should firstly love it because if you do not love the phone you will never be satisfied no matter what comes out. 

All phones are actually good for shooting nice pictures. So make sure your phone camera quality and its settings satisfy your desires.

I use my IPhone 6+ and I am okay with it. 

2. Always clean your lens

Yes you heard me. It is as simple as drinking water. As we keep our phones in pockets, bags or even sometimes we touch the camera lens, you will not take good pictures with the pocket lint or the thumbprints in the lens. You should give your lens a quick wipe before you shoot.

You should also avoid keeping your phone with things that may scratch your lens. Everything ironic, metallic and others.

3. Use natural light

You should not forget that photography is all about using light. Even a boring composition will be saved by the good light at any moment.

The best lighting, whether you are shooting inside or out is natural light. When shooting indoors shoot near a window using indirect natural light or if the light coming through is too harsh, hang up a white sheet to defuse it. Make sure there isn’t any competing artificial light like a lamp or overhead light, otherwise your shot will have a yucky yellow tinge. 

When shooting outdoors, direct sunlight can sometimes be too harsh so check the time before. Also, shooting in light shade on a cloudy day or at sunrise or sunset can be the best!

Natural light or again sunlight will give a texture to your pictures and you will not envy others’.

4. Focus is important

Alright, can you tell me what a picture without the subject in focus ?

Very good, it’s nothing. Find your theme on the screen (the object you want to put first. Select only one for each shoot) and let the magic happen.

Our subject is the coconut tree. 

It is easy, touch your phone screen you will see this small square appearing on. Now try to fix it on your subject. Have you seen how beautiful it is now ? Enjoy.

5. Choose a perfect angle

Do not be afraid to change your point of view or think outside the box. I always try to position myself in different poses than the conventional ones or to go a little crazy in post processing.

Photography angled
Which of the two would you like to post on your favourite social media ?

I personally use the grids to get best angles and I also keep my phone straight when shooting. It makes the pictures more professional and appreciable.

6. Never Ever ZOOM

You might not know but it’s a SIN. (lol what did I just say?)

Zooming while taking pictures with your phone is the first mistake we all do. Whenever you want to zoom in on an object please move. 

No matter how it looks on your screen when you zoom on, it will never come out with that aesthetic touch you wished to get.

7. Stable the phone

Give your phone a stability before shooting. It does not matter if you do not have a tripod. I am “the Queen” of inventing tripods support. 

Also if you want to shoot (objects) better photos that are not blurry, moved or look like nothing; simply have both hands on the phone and use the timer.

That is all for the seven (7) tips but not the end of this article. 

Below are some advices for you to stun your photographs.

  1. Have fun! Photography is first of all an entertainment so the best way to improve your captures is to have fun, enjoy the process.
  2. Relax, do not overthink it. When you are in the right place and at the right time just take advantage. Do not stress about what will come out. Just take it. You will later be surprised of what you got.
  3. Take a lot of pictures, the first one is never the best trust me. When you shoot the first, change your distance and get a another best angle. You may shoot more than 2000 and still select the three (3) that caught your attention.
  4. Download better apps if you notice your phone camera is not much enough.
  5. Learn how to edit. You might say “you are natural” but huh! Sometimes your pictures need to be set up, adjusted or you may need to use a particular theme to make your pictures look attractive. These are 5 apps you should get on your phone: VSCO camLightroomInShot, Peachy and HUJI.
  6. let others see your pictures, do not shoot to only keep them un tour smartphone NO! Let them come alive. Let others see them and advise you on what you messed so that next time you will do better.
  7. Accept yourself. You may not know but if you do not accept yourself and love yourself as you are you will never get good results with your photos. So stop thinking about how fat you are and how your belly will show on the pictures. Breathe! Say some sweet words to yourself, turn on the camera and enjoy!

I hope this post has been beneficial for you. Did I omit something ? Or is there another tip/ idea you want to share ? Make us know about it in the comment box.

Thanks to agudie !

See you soon!